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Rules And Regulations

  • Students must speak in English in the school complex except in Nepali periods.
  • Students must come to school in prescribed uniform. It must be neat, clean and well ironed. The shape, size and style of the uniform must be as prescribed by the school.
  • Students aren’t allowed to wear / use any kind of expensive ornaments on their body. After its use, in case it is lost, the school will not be responsible. Using fixer and gel is strictly prohibited. Girl should ribbon their hair either side on the head.
  • Parents / guardians are not allowed to visit their kid, teaching staff, wards etc without permission of the principal. The meeting can be arranged by an earlier appointment.
  • Students are strictly prohibited to leave the school premises during school hours except the permission of the principal. If found so the student shall be expelled from the school.
  • Students are forbidden to damage the property of the school. If they are found damaging the property. They will be charged the amount. Students should use only simple bag which can hold all the teaching and learning materials.
  • Students must reach the school premises before 10 minutes of the assembly with their complete teaching- learning materials. If they fail to do so, the security person may not allow them to enter the school complex.
  • The school won’t be responsible for any major accidents that take place in the school complex but necessary first aid will be provided. No student is allowed to bring their out –friends during school hours. At leisure, prior permission is required.
  • If students are found in different violent or immoral activities, they will be warned and eventually expelled. Irresponsible, rude behavior and serious misconduct either inside or outside the school will result in the expulsion of the student.
  • No student can remain absent without pre-information of their parents. If found so, they can be charged, warned and ultimately expelled. Student should cover their books and copies.
  • The decision made by the Principal. V. Principals or other concerning authorities will be final in all regards and matters, and no arguments will be entertained.
  • Students must follow all the rules and regulations of the school. If any breach is found, the student will be warned, punished and ultimately expelled from the school.
  • The fee of the student is to be paid before 15th of every month. If it is not so, guardians should pay late fee according to school’s rule. If any student is present less than 90% he/ she will be kept in 3rd category and won’t be provided any scholarship.
  • After the student gets entered into the school complex, she / he won’t be called on phone or mobile. Due to emergency work, if any student needs to go home, parents must come to receive their kids.

Financial Rules

  • No student will be enrolled in the class room as well as in the hostel if he/she is not admitted.
  • Fee should be deposited by 15th of every month. In case of due remains 15% interest will be charged.
  • 12% discount will be given to earlier payment of fee for a year and for the 6 months earlier payment, 5% discount will be given.
  • Deposit will be refunded only at the end of the academic year.
  • If the parents wish to discontinue their children, a month earlier information should be given .
  • Receipt should be shown while refunding the deposit, other wise deposit will not be given.
  • Fee can be deposited by the bank account also, but the “Bank Voucher” of the deposited amount should be shown to the account section in time. About the account number, it can be taken from the account section.